Social Committee -
Our Events for 2017 have now been completed. In 2018, your executive will be back with a regular slate of events.
See you in 2018
suggestions on other events you would
like to see happen in the community? Look
for our new suggestion box at our events.
Your input is appreciated. Or you
can send your thoughts and comments to our email at info@silverharbour.ca.
Day Pictures
Pictures from the AGM and Pancake Breakfast
A big thank you to Brian and Bernice Bender for once again
organizing a great golf tournament. Brian is looking for someone to take on next
years event, but might be ok with having a co-host to share the workload

There were 25 golfers, and 4 more
for dinner. The major corporate sponsors were Peace Hills Trust, Frontier
Toyota and Gloria Gathercole who donated 2
beautiful framed prints for our main prize, won by Jill Scott.