Canada Day 2014 Update by
Debbie Macleod
1, 2014
Although the weather was not so nice, it
very nice to see so many people out to celebrate our Canada Day with
friends and neighbours.
The official count was 94 in attendance
plus a few late comers that brought it to 103.
The Canadian Flag was honoured by George
Einerson and his granddaughter. Oh Canada was sung heartily by all. And everyone enjoyed the dogs, drinks and
cake, as well as the flags, tattoos, pins and prizes.
If anyone has any pictures from Canada Day
at the hall, please forward them to so we can have them posted
on the website.
Thank you to all the people who helped make
this event a success. It takes many volunteers behind the scenes to get all the
organizing and pre planning done.
Just a reminder that the Pancake Breakfast
and Annual General Meeting will take place at the Arnes Hall on Sunday July 20 at 10 am.
Also, please remember to submit your annual
dues ($20) to Barb Veldink or any member of the executive. The renewal form can be found on the website.
Corn Roast is Saturday
August 23. Time to be announced