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Sunday July 21, 2024 at 10.00 am at the Arnes Hall:
SHPOA AGM and Pancake Breakfast.
Reference material for SHPOA
    *    2023 AGM Minutes
    *    2023 Financial
    *    2024 Agenda
    *    Proposed Name and Constitution Change
    *    Proposed By-laws

The Environment Committee is hosting a presentation by the Lake Winnipeg Foundation on the status of the Health of Lake Winnipeg on 
Saturday June 15th, 2024 at 11.00 am at the Arnes Hall.
We invite everybody to this important event. Your presence is important as it sends a message to the politicians that the Health of the Lake is a serious matter that must be dealt with sooner rather than later.

SHPOA 2023 AGM on August 19 at 10.00 am at the Arnes Hall.


1) Call to order.
2) Introductory comments.
3) Adoption of the Minutes of the 2022 AGM.
4) Business arising from the Minutes.
5) Reports:
  a. President.
  b. Vice-President.
  c. Treasurer.
  d. Secretary.
  e. Social Chair.
  f. Membership Chair.
  g. Environment Chair.
6) Election of Officers.
7) New Business.
8) Adjournment.

Question and Answer session.

Please note:
1.The Minutes of the 2022 AGM can be found in the Documents section of our website. Please read the Minutes as there might not be a paper copy available at the AGM.
2. Only members in good standing (those who paid the 2023 membership fee) are allowed to vote.
Memberships ($20.00/household) can be paid prior to the AGM.

July 1, 2023   .........Canada Day Celebrations.........

We are celebrating on Saturday, July 1st at 1:00 pm at the Arnes Hall. 
There will be cake, coffee and cold beverages, followed by a Meet and Greet time of visiting, catching up with each other and getting to know the new members of our Silver Harbour Property Owners Association.
Come on out and join in the celebrations!

There will also be an opportunity to sign up for your 2023 SHPOA membership that day. The fee is $20.00 per household.  Barb Veldink (Chairperson of the Membership Committee) will be at the Arnes Hall on July 1st. You can sign up and make your payment then, or you can personally deliver this to her at 29 Brayden Drive, phone: 204-642-1543, email is barbveldink@gmail.com
-You can also send your membership fee in the mail to Barb Veldink at Box59, Arnes, Manitoba ROC 0C0  Thanks!

We hope to see you out on July 1st to celebrate Canada Day!

Sandy Loewen, Secretary and on behalf of the SHPOA Social Committee chaired by Terra Livingstone.

June 8. 2023

Hi everyone, here are the dates of the planned Social events this summer: 

1) Canada Day Celebration. Saturday July 1st at 1.00 pm at the Arnes Hall.

2) SHPOA Community Garage Sale. Sunday July 16th 9.00 am to 3.00 pm at various properties in Silver Harbour.

3) SHPOA AGM. Saturday, August 19, 2023 at 10.00 am at the Arnes Hall. (Changed)

4) Family Movie Night. August 19th 9.30 pm. at the Arnes Hall

More detailed information to follow.

From the SHPOA Executive:  Terra Livingstone, Social Committee, Fred Veldink-President; Dave Currie-Vice President, Barb Veldink- Membership, Ryan Bailes-Treasurer and Sandy Loewen-Secretary.